Good point. If it's going to live more like a desktop, then weight and size doesn't really matter.

Let me guess, a model that's sure to give you back/shoulder ache?

Exciting! ??

Yep, mustard. Just add a splash to the soup, stir it down, and consume to your heart's delight. ???


Also, VHS-rips FTW!

Ultraforce: cheesy as a cheese shop in France!

Good point, but this is the first time I'm being exposed to this particular nostalgia, so it's not really nostalgia for me. Pseudo-nostalgia?

Why do I keep torturing myself with these crappy 1990s cartoons?

I thought that's what this whole network was about? :O


I should seriously turn that into a company. I'm sure I would have customers, sadly.

// @height8