So I'll keep applying, keep learning HTML/CSS, keep wrapping my noggin around even more advanced technologies.

Granted, I'd much rather be able to make a living for myself doing what I actually want to do, but that's not likely to happen over night, sadly.

Hope one, any, of the places I've applied for a job at get back to me soon. I'd rather have one of those jobs than whatever my current employer might toss at me at any moment.

Woohoo! :D


Actually, I'm not into Family Guy (only managed to stand one episode), so I have no idea what that song is. :]

Maybe I'll just sit here and listen to "Bananaphone" on repeat for a few hours.

@height8 Yep, that's the way to do it. Bastards have been getting smart lately though, and will now only accept it via their system, despite being in touch with the person responsible. Grrr…

It's hard to find a job that I won't violently vomit all over in no-time, given what is advertised right now.

Fudge me I hate applying for jobs. Ugly, messy websites that ask for the same thing as is in my CV, but I have to fill out anyway or I'm not allowed to complete the actual application.

@height8 Personally I just use Writeroom to get the same job done, and then I still have access to a tablet/computer when I'm not writing. Also, neither my MacBook Air nor my iPad Mini is as bulky as that thing.

But for those who need it to get writing done, I'm sure it's the most awesome thing since sliced lemons, or summat.