@jextxadore That would certainly be a different world.
I mean, it’s not like I don’t “get it”, but does everyone use libraries or some huge blob (node.js and such) instead of writing a small amount of own code to make things more optimized?
@matigo It’s what has made me the most frustrated about “the modern web”. So freaking resource hungry!
@hazardwarning Not surprising. 60% of the fuel price here is effectively tax in one form or another. Doesn’t stop the gasoline companies from jacking up the prices though, as you mentioned.
A shame we’re so reliant on the sludge. If I could run on 100% ethanol, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
// @matigo
@matigo Oh for sure! It’s also pushing me towards a new family car, just like @jussipekonen did recently.