@variablepulserate I went the nutty route, as I tend to do, and shoved Volumio into a raspberry pi, got a USB sound card, and plugged a pair of Bose Companion 2 speakers into the whole mess. Sounds good, fills my years with music in the kitchen. Job well done, if perhaps not portable nor pretty.
@matigo Yep. People are insane when it comes to selling anything with an Apple logo. Think it’s the newbies. Us who have been around for a while actually know the real value and reasonable price.
@matigo Have been eyeing them all for some time, but never found any I wanted at a price I was ok with.
@variablepulserate I know what you mean. There’s usually one thing you need to give up in order to buy anything at all, these days.
@variablepulserate Not if it’s high quality in both design and manufacture. I mean, sure, Bluetooth doesn’t have the greatest bandwidth, but a good speaker still sounds better than a shitty one. 🙂
@matigo That reminds me; I still should try to find one of those 4th gen iPod touch.
@matigo Well, I also have to suffer that at work, sadly. And despite that, it’s still better than Skype…
@matigo Nah, nothing so ambitious, I’m afraid. Just a quick walk around the town.