Not that you mention it… my hands look a bit on the dry side again. 😕

Give them some time. Then they’ll infect you with exceedingly clever malware. 😉


And Gibson is pretty much my favorite author.


Love that domain name, by the way!

I suspect my Japanese will be heavily influenced Kansai-ben before long. 🤣

I swear, my normal level of observation is a frikkin superhero ability in this city. Once I learn the language properly, I’ll take over this place!

My thoughts are mostly a humanoid bipedal personal assistant around the size of Honda’s Asimo or perhaps a bit taller. I’d like to be able to have a second set of hands that I could command to fetch things, take notes, hold things while I work, things like that.

Pretty unlikely for what we can do today without paying through the nose for the privilege.


Yeah I was pretty interested in one for a while too, but it just seemed like it never improved. Just a small interactive doodad that moved some small items around. Cool, but not worth the asked price for me.

I guess what I want is a small robot assistant that can actually help me do things.

Good thing I like peach!

As an aficionado of the female derrière, I’m perfectly fine with the way things are. Don’t see why this standardized beauty/attractiveness ideal must meddle with things. Just makes people insecure and like you said, it’s insulting.