Understatement of the day.


Only modern!


I just saw a post on Reddit where someone thought making coffee in a sock was a good idea.

Yeah, that’s enough Reddit for one day!


Not so sure about that. I’m more interested in the PalmOS laptop idea we were kicking around a year or so ago.


I’m still looking for that elusive HP Touchpad of the 32gb model at a reasonable price. Those suckers have not dropped in price one iota!


Oh yes, the whole task switcher thingy was for iOS 7-9 a complete ripoff of the webOS cards metaphor for running apps. I miss it. Far better than what Apple has in iOS today, in my opinion.

Over on Android I’m not entirely sure what they knicked, but I’m sure it was awesome. Anything related to webOS was and is groovy.


HP in terms of anything related to Palm sucks like a ghost vacuum. I miss webOS! That is, proper webOS on a Prē!


This might be relevant to your interests, if you haven’t already spotted it:

Sometimes I think it smells like tofu. Only problem is; there is no tofu. 😕

If I never have to hear of, or see either of them in any way, shape, or form, I’d be one happy camper!
