There we go. Hats bought due to this intense sunlight. Don’t want to burn myself anymore than I already have.
@matigo That was worse back with the G5 PowerMac. All the Mac Pro machines can take even the latest Nvidia monster, although perhaps not the most power hungry one. They won’t have the maximum bandwidth, but that’s a different story.
@matigo That’s the one I desire. Would still today be a nice and competent workstation, as long as I toss in a modern graphics card.
Can probably serve reasonably well as a host for a bunch of virtual machines too.
@matigo I’m aiming for something more modern retro, as you might have guessed. The old cheese grater tower, to be precise. Unless I can find a cool 2013 model Mac Pro for a good price, which is unlikely to happen for many years still.
Wonder how a purchase of a Mac Pro will go down. Maybe I better sneak that in after we buy a house…
Why must all contemporary cartoons look like absolute ass? The art style just hurts my eyes.
@matigo I do, but I also have a healthy fear of my wife if she discovers I spend too much on my hobbies. 😎
Pretty darn happy with the current financial status. Been a long time coming, getting a job that actually pays reasonably, and being able to shove monies into the old savings account every month.
Will have to celebrate by spending some money today. Maybe a hat and some beer.