@height8 Not that I can remember, and also, that is just insanely cool! ???

You no mess with Lo Wang!


What's with Steam today? I need to restart the darn thing once before it's able to successfully connect.

Already one year since we lost Leonard Nimoy.


It's time to listen to Bach and drink coffee!

Will do! I'm probably very far from being able to create anything though. But hey, I'll hopefully learn something from giving it a shot. :D

It's something that was added to webOS 2 after HP purchased Palm. Basically it deeply integrates something with the core system, all in a seamless interface. For instance if you sign into Skype, you can make Skype calls in the phone app and your Skype contacts will show up in the contacts app.

I wonder if one could extend Syngery with 10Cv4? Would make for a complete integration with webOS, if possible.

@height8 This conversation is pure awesome!


Two days left on the auction and the price looks ok. Maybe I'll manage to snag an HP Touchpad, finally. Will be cool to have together with the Prē 3.