It's all about balance. :D

I was going to say "you should try dealing with those in spandex, it's not any better", but then I realized what you were talking about. ?

Neato! Give us a report once you've sampled it? ?

Grrr. I hate machine translated copy with the passion of a thousand suns. Grammatically incorrect and ugly, it's a great way to keep me away as a potential customer.

Exactly my sentiments on the device. I never got around to doing more cool stuff on the Commodore 64, unfortunately. If I had only known what was possible if I had learned to program a bit more, back in the day.


I've seen it and I'm also very tempted to buy some, just to see what it's like. I'm kind of picky about the flavor though, so even if it has a good amount of caffeine, I might just go for what my taste buds like better.

My pleasure! :)

They really are versatile little devices. Can't wait to get more time and Raspberry Pis' to play around with!


Coffee has a good bite. I already feel a bit more awake.

It could happen to anybody, really. I'm sitting here and reading about how you can set up a Pi to be a listening device with recording capability, among other things. Very tempted to see if I can pick up a few more on the cheap. Could have me some fun with this. :]

Need to get more Raspberry Pi devices for semi-nefarious purposes. So much interesting stuff you can do with them!