@matigo Very true.
@matigo Can’t quite grasp why’d they need to replace the ECU, but ok. I don’t pretend to understand cars anymore.
@matigo Totally agree. The little beverage review project has been hugely rewarding so far. Enjoying the work, so to speak.
@matigo It’s all about seeing the positive things in every situation.
Found a new beer again. Will definitely get a review done later on.
It’s not every day you buy clothes and get a free thermal mug with the purchase.
Looks like nobody listens to what I say again tonight. Guess that means I’ll be drinking whatever I want and playing Switch.
@matigo Going the USB adapter route for now. Found some that are reasonably well supported in Linux, so that should suffice for now.
Will get a “proper” replacement for the internal card later on when I’m under the keyboard and swapping out the old nasty mechanical hard drive. SSD FTW!
Yes, I am weird enough to put in a fair bit of effort and money to get this 11 year old Kohjinsha mini-laptop on a modern WiFi and a proper operating system installed. 😁