When I was at the university I often got praises on my writing, which I always found odd. Every time I bullshitted my ass off in a report or whatnot, that’s when they liked it the best.

I just have a firm belief that academia is obsessed with bullshitting themselves into oblivion. Hasn’t really helped with my view on the whole “higher learning” over the last couple of years.


Well… no. It’s not that I only distrust Jeff Bezos, or that Amazon mistreats its employees, but I’m just a little bit weary of exactly how much that company knows about me.

Still no Amazon in Sweden, but I’ve heard rumors about a very large warehouse.


Finally getting some of the Christmas shopping done. Amazing what one can do with a bit of searching online!

Dude, I’ve had the opportunity to watch a real, authentic English class in Japan. I’m more than sure that your son will at the very least be able to swear properly in English. 😉


Most of the time I see some crud on the ground in Osaka. Been getting worse over the last 13 years too. I suspect that people have been getting worse eyesight in combination with not giving a fuck, which is a shame.


That is usually my top annoyance when in 大阪.


Yeah, but I’m sure this’ll only become slush and traffic accidents. “Real” snow won’t come for at least 3 more weeks, maybe not until around Christmas.

Guess the kids’ll be exhilarated tomorrow though.



Conflicting emotions right now…

Apparently I have the original Gundam series in nice quality on one of my hard drives. When I got it, I do not know. All I know is that it shall be transcoded to a better format ASAP!

Quite so. I still love going to Yodobashi every time I’m in Osaka, but it grinds my mind down. Need to lie down and take it easy for the rest of the day, usually.
