I cannot for the world of me make my son understand the concept of variables. He claims he wants to learn programming, and as much as I try to help with that it just doesn’t work.

I must just simply suck at explaining.

Considering how computer illiterate many contemporary developers are, I’m inclined to agree.


A very fair point, and well made.



I love that positivity! 😉



At this point, I’m not sure either is better.



Clown convention here. Sadly, the clowns have (barely) learned programming and developed multiple systems for work…


There’s too much Monday in this Monday.

Yeah, most places have a nasty truncation of the feed. A bit annoying, but somewhat understandable if they make a living off eyeballs on their pages.

Still doesn’t mean I like it…


I do daily. My preferred way to update myself on the sorry state of our world.
