Very true.

Shame I don’t have more space right now, or I would pick up some nice old SUN equipment. Run Solaris in SPARC and have CDE where it belongs. Oooh yeah!

Amen, brother!

Doubly so during night shift.

It’s so nice to get that big, hot mug of coffee in the middle of the night. One of the more enjoyable aspects of night shift.

At least IBM still sells servers with POWER processors. 😁

No wonder companies love them, right?

Relatively, but there’s a bit more digging to get to the RAM slots in the 2018 model, compared to the earlier machines. The 2014 model is just a pain all the way through.

Found 32GiB of RAM for the 2018 Mac mini at a very reasonable price. Not entirely sure I’m looking forward to the hardware surgery, but that’s a different story.

Once the home office/mancave/surveillance center is setup, this should be a good workstation.

It’s a good keyboard, but the price tag is way too heavy. Got mine second hand and that’s still more expensive than most keyboards in the shops. The keyboard fetishists with their RGB lights and whatnots might be the exception, but regular keyboards are so cheap in comparison.

Still, I really love mine and I intend to modify it for even better functionality. Lots of really solid open source projects for the Kinesis machines.