Yep, no Amazon at all. We had LoveFilm, but you know what happened to that…


At least it's officially available in the UK. Dunno what's available here in terms of proper ebook reader devices.


Specially when you replace the stock antenna on the router with something in the realm of 35cm. :>

Sounds like a plan! I'll have some more myself.

One mug of coffee down. Let's see what I can do with this day.

Nope, coffee isn't helping. Guess I might as well go to bed early tonight. If I can't concentrate at all, there's not much I can do anyways.

Many Youtube videos are absolutely brilliant at making me fall asleep.

Oh well, scheduled a meeting for tomorrow. Wonder what will come from this.

I'm going to make it spoof Facebook as much I as I have the energy for. Should look "nice" with my domain ?

A good challenge! I'll do what I can do get the word out, once you're ready for prime-time.