It really does sound familiar, doesn't it? :D

#ADN #GoodIdeas

I rather like this small, invite-only social network.

Same web site, same search terms, a few minutes apart, different results. Now I can't find what I found in the first search, which for some reason yielded better results.

Time to hit the hay, as it were.

Personally I don't care that much for the feature right now, but somewhere down the line it would be nice to have. Private conversations (direct messages or whatever they might be called) is more interesting.

I fair bit of "out with the old, in with the new" coming up? :D

Specially when I have so much to learn, like programming in any modern fashion. My BASIC spaghetti-code style won't cut it any more.

You bet. I have some learning to do. :D

Maybe we are just easy to please? :)

In other words: KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK, ! :D

If there were notifications and mobile clients, this would already be all I want and need in a social network.