Right now enjoying my contract that my employer hasn't updated since I got hired back in 2013. For someone who only completed 10 days of actual work, my salary ended up being decent.

Current musical choice:
Random songs from personal favorite NES/Famicom games.

@height8 Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!


@height8 The usual suspects, yes.


First off, that car sounds like a crime against taste, and quite possibly humanity. Second of all, I'm right with you on the while income thing. Where did I go wrong?

@height8 Top o' the ☕ To you!

I am skeptical towards that message. :/

It's a huge company, that's for sure. Honestly I wouldn't mind. Most likely better employment security than my previous employments.

Strongly expecting no answer to the email I sent. Nor do I expect a phone call. Great quality response, that!

Guess I'll move to harassing Toyota about a job instead. Probably more interesting and promising anyway.

Time and money well spent! Hurray!