We should start a website or a podcast or something where we just sit and watch Japanese TV dramas and review them for the lulz. :D

Nah, just some medium roast blend arabica and robusta. Mild and pleasant.

Mmm. This is some goooooood coffee.

Try watching cartoons from the 1990s. You'll despise most of the characters within minutes…

Seiko Internet time is where it's at!

Hadn't seen that before. Thanks for the tip! :)

I've been using Newsify for some time. I think shortly after Google shut down Reader, but I can't remember for sure. Works for me, but I have rather esoteric needs and wants.

I'm actually looking at a self-hosted RSS solution that should be truly platform independent, and not have any syncing issues, while still enabling me to save articles for later reference. I'm probably going to get a self-hosted Pocket (http://getpocket.com) replacement too.

I don't trust well anymore.

You just jogged my memory and I started remembering a Fujitsu/Siemens laptop I had at work once. Nasty stuff. The trackpad had a textured surface! Who in their right mind thought that was a good idea shouldn't be allowed to design anything a human actually touches!

Wow. 12 Atlas. I don't think I want to encounter that, no.

That's worth a ☕ in my book! ??