@matigo Oddly enough, it doesn't do that at least. It just sucks in all web browsers.
@matigo I think that would be a step up from the mess that is the corporate intranet page I currently have to suffer. I don't know quite how to best describe it. It's like… it's like Dreamweaver and Frontpage had a shed-load of absinth, humped the ever-loving lights out of each other until they spawned the bastardisation and affront to mankind that is the code behind the intranet page. It's so crap that it transcends the concepts of web design, heck even design at all, and becomes this unpleasant mass of barfed up bits, all over my screen.
Any any time I have to access any legacy page or system, guess which start page brings Internet Exploder and my whole computer to a complete halt until it's done processing a bazillion javascripts? Yep, that damn intranet page.
To say that I despise it, is an understatement.
@matigo I’d I want to have nightmares, I usually take a look at the intranet HTML at work. Such a massive mess of unnecessary crap is hard to find!
@matigo @jws COBOL does tempt me many a days. Would open the door to financial legacy systems, and that should be lucrative.
@peemee WHOA! How in Zeus’ bunghole have I managed to miss this?! Awesome find, now I have something new to dig into. 😁
@variablepulserate @matigo “AMP” is a frikkin plague and deserves to die in a dumpster fire.