Well done, to both you and your wife! đź‘Ź

Any such adventure successfully completed is worthy of praise. Doubly so if one is not completely pooped at the end of the day. 🙂


Beer with dinner? Methinks so!

Unfortunately (?) I know how physics work.


I’d like that in my home server.


Personally I think it look weird with “listen on the SoundCloud app”. I’d rather have “listen in the SoundCloud app”. But I’m probably overthinking it.

I’m constantly perplexed over articles that boil down to “wow, people do things differently elsewhere in the world and not at all like we do where I live?!”. Like, how far up your own asshole do you need to be to not realize that in this day and age?

At least that would be a different rumor compared to all the copy-pasted bullshit I see all over any place that publishes anything about video games.


The amount of unsubstantiated rumor mongering going on with future possible Nintendo Switch models is off the freakin’ charts lately.

Doing it right, man! đź‘Ť

Really liking your work on the drinks already. I’ll try to whip up something to add to the collection.


Bleh. The fanboys can go suck an old onion.
