This also applies to whenever the kid or kids exceed the accepted maximum sound level.

Now THIS I need to save for future reference!

This might be me as soon as the kids have fallen asleep.


It’s beyond draining some days. I very seriously hope I have my tech support/customer support days far behind me at this point.

I mean, most of the people are absolutely fine and they are an absolute joy to help with whatever their issue is. But it’s those last 10% and the fact that you constantly hear faults, problems, and issues at work. Gives everything a negative angle.

And don’t even get me started on how they keep hounding you for KPIs and better statistics, more sales, or some other arbitrary bullshit they thought up for this month. It gets to you, fast. At least in my experience.

The one thing I can without a hesitation attribute to all my years and all my time answering customer calls is my pessimistic view on humanity at large. That might not be a good thing…

Amen to that!

Yes, I’ll be fatter and all that, but I’ll also be happier. 😁🍻

Also got some wasaimucho, which is as good as karamucho, only with wasabi.



Snack and beer run: