Once I believed in Japanese efficiency, but then I visited and came to realize that it’s just a different flavor of the concept “efficient”. It shares little beside name with efficiency, and is remarkably much like busy work.


Ripping Disney’s DVD or Blu-Ray titles can be some of the most frustrating experiences. Their video track faking is getting really old, really fast.

I’m sure people have been assassinated over less. At the very least, disappeared without a trace and never to be heard of again.


Its the cascade-loading of scripts and related nonsense that really gets to me.


Oh right, I remember that, now that you mention it. Want to remember that Dell had something too, but it escapes my mind right now.

Totally with you on your stance. The Trust No One™ approach is the one that will most likely serve one the best in the long run, given how the world looks and the way it runs.

Perhaps one day a more open architecture is both plausible and doable for many people. The way we do stuff right now is just so mind-numbingly stupid.


If I get a small side job doing some translation, maybe I’ll get that 2009 Mac Pro and upgrade the hell out of it. Should be amusing enough for my purposes. 😎


Attention to detail™


Absolutely. I’m playing it right now between things that need doing. Switch port might not be perfect, but it’s portable and easy to bring to a night shift.


Not bad. I still have big trust issues with Lenovo since back when they shipped questionable software from factory. But those specs sure are interesting!


Could me my imagination, but Doom: Eternal looks pretty cartoony.