@matigo Cool! Wonder how Xubuntu 20.20 will work on my Kohjinsha machine.
@matigo I think “reply to all” should flash a warning sign on the screen. People in large corporations are clearly too stupid to understand.
@matigo I agree. Put in a shameful low bid and I'm actually kind of amazed I got it. Suppose there aren't many PB G4 12 owners who hunt where I go hunting for parts and deals.
Looks like the NOS PowerBook G4 12" battery I obtained is operational. Currently doing a charge, system reports 0 previous charge cycles. Looks promising so far.
@matigo Cool rest! Hadn’t found that one yet. 🙂👍
“Your ISP (Telia Sweden, AS3301) implements BGP safely. It correctly drops invalid prefixes.”
@matigo Online comments are the biggest collection of collective human garbage we have all mustered.