Writing some currency symbols is a pain in the rump. At least on iOS.

My headphones cost 1500-ish yen. ?

Never underestimate the difference quality interconnect does. :D

Since I got my cheapo Philips headphones I've started noticing artifacts in sound compression a lot more. Can't listen to some things that I used to.

I should write about my cheapo Android tablet. Got it last year just to see how low you can go and still get a computer that works.

192kbps is still pretty good, and like you said, quality comes from many places. :)

Is this where I mention that I'm seriously thinking about getting a slide rule? ;D

Hm, I need to look into this. Thanks for the tip! :)


I'm trying to find a nice Commodore calculator from the 1970s, or a Texas Instruments TI-30 from the same era. Lovely machines, and sturdy as few other things.

Poop! I really liked Fluid for some things. I'm guessing there's no modernized fork either? :/