Doubtlessly so. I'm waaaaay behind on my skills when it comes to running web sites. Been far too long since I really had the time or the energy for it. Still, the path of the scorched earth prevails again, and now the site is up and running as it should be.

Actually, I think there was something b0rked with the whole server, since I couldn't even run apt-get update right before I nuked it from orbit. Good riddance, and now all the packages are up-to-date instead. :D


Maybe he's been busy with other things? Wait… what did I just say? Surely that cannot be. MOUNT A RESCUE PARTY RIGHT AWAY! Search Party


Well I'll be darned! After some jiggering and fumbling around in the command line, I've managed to setup to do my bidding once more. Hopefully this will be a lot more stable than the horrible Wordpress install that's been plaguing the site for two years.

Although it is taking its sweet time to actually rebuild…

Something is messed up on my VPS. Now is when I am glad Digital Ocean have some nifty rebuild tools at hand.

Sometimes IT just needs to prove who is IT. ;)

That would at least make some sense, but aren't there an awful lot of very uninterested people doing development work in Japan? People who don't care in the least what the computer is, what it does, or how to do a good job programming? I might have gotten a wrong understanding of things due to excessive incorrect reporting online.

7 business days… Are they seriously swamped in things, or are they just showing their power by letting you wait?

Understandable. I hate when I'm not the cause of the delay, but I have to take the blame for it, should something go afoul of the plan.

Why, oh why, did I read some comments on Reddit regarding the Nintendo Direct from last night? Now I need to drink more coffee to cure my headache.