Never read online comments. Few good things come from it, and you nearly always end up with a headache and burning hate for humans.

Sure, they have the potential. But I doubt that they will. Already many players on the field, and I have a sneaky feeling Faceb0rk won't let the Oculus investment wither away without a fight.

Then again, once Apple does release something, the first version is a bare-bones buggy mess, followed by quick iterating. Chances are they will RND their way into the "lead" within a few years.

Kind of hope that it will inspire others to do better, like a free market is supposed to work.

Given the circumstances, I'd say that's a fair time to start drinking.

December, and all of it. Should a trip happen, I hope to not set foot on Swedish soil for at least 6 weeks.

If you ask my colleagues, I'm sure they will say my sanity is long gone.


I know. And I'm fast approaching 1.5 years since I had a proper long time off from work. To say that I am going loopy, is an understatement.

Hm. Japan over Christmas and New Year's is looking more and more unlikely. 😕

Amazing how many videos were apparently recorded with a potato only 5 years ago. I base this on the fact that nearly all the videos I have found about the IBM Thinkpad X40 have been in the lowers of low quality.

Therein lies the problem, and why I decided against having my own company. My mental sanity was worth more than the prospect of being a serf at a huge company, and actually earning some reasonable pay.


Now a USB connected LS120 drive though, that would be interesting!